Kurukshetra: Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini graced the Lohri celebration organised by Kurukshetra University campus on 13th January 2025 with his presence along with Sports Minister Gaurav Gautam, and former Minister of State, Subhash Sudha and other dignitaries. On this occasion, the students of Punjabi Department of Kurukshetra University performed Gidda and welcomed the Hon'ble CM by singing folk song 'Sundar Mundariye'.
Hon'ble CM Saini wished Lohri and Makar Sankranti greetings and said that festivals are significant ways of celebrating unity and equality in society. CM Saini prayed for the harmony, well being and prosperity of people of Haryana while performing parikrama around the lohri bonfire. Deputy Director, Public Relations Department, Dr Jimmy Sharma informed that Lohri festival was also celebrated in the premises of VC office and the Vice Chancellor, Prof Som Nath Sachdeva wished on the festival of Lohri and Makar Sankranti to all the teachers, employees and students of the university. Prof Sachdeva added that this festival celebrates togetherness and spreads inner and outer delight among people.
Dr Sharma added that ITTR, Punjabi Department, English Department, IIHS, Commerce, Fine Arts, Education Department, USM also celebrated Lohri festival at University campus with full fervour and joyous spirit. On this occasion, Sports Minister Gaurav Gautam, former Minister of State Subhash Sudha, Chief Minister's Principal Secretary Rajesh Khullar, CM's OSD Dr. Raj Nehru, Director General of Swarn Jayanti Sansthan Anshaj Singh, Advisor, Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Lieutenant General J.S. Nain, Deputy Commissioner Neha Singh, Superintendent of Police Varun Singla, Chairman Dharamvir Mirzapur, BJP District President Sushil Rana, Shahabad's senior BJP leader Subhash Kalsana, Dean of Student Welfare Prof. AR Chaudhary, Director of Public Relations Department Prof. Maha Singh Poonia, Dr. Saloni Diwan were present.