New Delhi : A 54-year-old man was shot dead in Delhi's Pooth Khurd area on Monday late evening, police said. The deceased was identified as Kartar Singh, a resident of the Pooth Khurd area. Police, after receiving a call from the deceased's son about the incident, immediately rushed to the spot. After reaching the spot, police found Singh dead in his car parked on a road near his home. As per the police, the deceased used to work at a DSIIDC liquor vend in sec-3 Rohini in Delhi.
Singh was returning home, and while he was about to reach his home, his car was found on a road where he was sitting in the driver's seat unconscious, the police said.
As per the initial inquiry so far, family members have stated that there was a dispute regarding a plot in Pooth Khurd because of which there had been a few disputes earlier.
Police have registered the case under section 103(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and section 25/27 of the Arms Act.
Police have detained one person for questioning. Further investigation is underway.